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A New Script...


Thank you for taking the time to read my work! When envisioning Lines, I knew I wanted to broadcast and advocate for mental health struggles in a unique way than the usual academic settings I have been limited to. From there, I unintentionally created a draft for an episode script, which felt like kismet. After all, this work holds a special place in my heart because I am able to incorporate some of the symptoms I have experienced while dealing with mental health issues and I often used television as a safe space and an escape from reality.

Lines follows a depressed teenage boy who's father is a Middle Eastern immigrant that came to the United States to pursue a law degree and a better future for himself and his family. However, toxic notions regarding mental illness and generational trauma haunt the father-son duo and led to them acting in morally questionable ways occasionally. While that is expected from the father as he shows his disdain for his son's struggles from the first few minutes of the script, the son is more of a wild card. Is it okay to feel bad for him because of his struggles and the environment he was raised in, or is he so far gone that his actions are no longer excusable? 


Now that you have some background, press "Lines Script" below for a shorter script draft. Enjoy!

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